2018 I’m Ready For You

It is amazing how time flies…well actually it really is.

The last time I posted a blog on here was a little over 6 months ago. Since then i’ve been to Barcelona, Camping with the family, numerous theme parks, days out, festivals and theatre shows, we’ve been to Ibiza, I’ve had my sons first and 4th birthday. We’ve celebrated milestones, birthdays, Halloween and bonfire night. I’ve attended progress evenings, Christmas performances and nursed poorly boys. I’ve packed, unpacked and packed again. I’ve planned holidays for 2018, Christmas came and went, we traveled to Thailand and we traveled back again.

Reflection, sociuscommunity, kim england, thailand
Looking out at this view gave me a lot of time to think, reflection is good when your life runs away with you.


When we pack a lot into life it isn’t really a surprise when time flies.

And this year I celebrate 10 years at Pearson. It is quite the milestone. It is a whole decade. I’ve spent more time working at Pearson than anywhere else. I’ve been in a relationship with Pearson longer than my husband. And whilst at Pearson i’ve seen no end of change. I’ve seen two CEOs, i’ve seen two office locations, three legal entities and three different pay dates. I’ve lost count of the amount of desk moves i’ve had, i’ve seen systems come and go. I’ve written, created, shared and recycled content. I’ve made friends, met new people and said goodbye to many. I’ve had two maternity leaves, more managers than I have fingers, i’ve worked in HR, Comms, HR and then Comms again. Change is a constant and 2018 will be no exception i’m sure of that.

It seems fitting that 2018 is the year I finally take time to reflect to ponder and to wonder. And i’ve decided to do that through the process of Working Out Loud. I’ve written about it before and i’ve never quite made the leap of faith and joined a circle.

At the end of last year Simon Fogg approached me and asked if i’d like to join a WOL circle and I jumped at the chance.

I’m excited and nervous about where the next 12 weeks will take me. We are already on week 2 so I have a little catching up to do. I have a good excuse I was returning from holiday with the family. But I am here putting it out there into the universe that i’m Working Out Loud, i’m excited to get to know my circle and see what comes out of the experience.

If you’re not familiar with WOL check out John Stepper’s work on his website Working Out Loud. I’ve borrowed this image from there to give you a very quick visual of what it is all about.

I’ve borrowed this image from workingoutloud.com credit to Tammay Vora.

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